Don’t take my word for how well hypnosis works for various challenges people face. Below you will find a success story for almost every modality hypnosis can be used for.


I was going to write to thank you for yesterday anyway. But now I have a double reason—I had one of the most productive days of possibly my life, but definitely of grad school. It’s actually weirding me out almost, but it seemed totally natural as I went through the day and didn’t waste any time unneeded. I kept wanting to nap, but some new, unknown voice inside said “just finish up this (gigantic, horrifying) project, then take a nap.”

Carrie D,

graduate student, former procrastinator


I’ve enjoyed the hypnosis and its results thus far. I have forgotten to use the recording a few times, but even so it has worked fantastically. I’ve also had fewer problems with tense muscles and stiffness, in my back and shoulders especially. I hope to use the recording again soon.

Karma B

teenager, former acne sufferer

Hot Flashes:

It was AWESOME; I’m delighted and I highly recommend sessions with James Hazlerig. He’s easy to work with, very professional, and I’m thrilled with the results. I literally felt that a cloud had been lifted from my mind. I felt more ‘like myself’ again after the session, what with the stress of life lately. I can also report even though I had a LOT of caffeine this weekend to keep going, that I was able to successfully control more than 80% of the intensity of my hot flashes both nights since the session. It’s a WIN!

Susi C.

former hot flash sufferer

Tough Break-Up (Handled in an International Phone Session):

James Hazlerig is amazing. As a fellow hypnotist, I had a wonderful hypnotic experience with him. Even though I was a couple thousand miles away, he hypnotised me for a life-changing session, which worked beautifully. I would honestly advise anyone wanting to improve their life or to just have an awesome experience that James is the one to go to—truly the harmony hypnotist!



Bowel Issues:

I suffered from painful constipation for a week following surgery, then enemas and laxatives caused a week of incontinence, which I stopped with Immodium, but that led to another week of painful constipation. My doctor told me not to take any more laxatives nor Immodium–to let nature take over. But I was still in terrible pain and nature was not working. After one hypnosis session, during which I received the suggestion that my digestive system would relax and start working on its own, it did. Wonderful! (Sylvia contacted me several months after her session to report that she was still regular.)

Sylvia H,

retired professor, hypnosis believer

Test Anxiety:

I recently had a VERY productive session at Harmony Hypnosis, as I was going back to school after 25 years and was really struggling, being so much older and never testing well, I developed severe stomach issues including numerous fever blisters. I have always had great success from Harmony Hypnosis that I decided to try a session for studying & testing for school and it worked far beyond my expectations! Well, I completed all 7 Real Estate courses in 1 month with an average of 96%. ( The 7 courses on avg. normally take 4 months!) With NO more stomach issues or returning fever blisters!!! I HIGHLY recommend Harmony Hypnosis is you are having ANY issues that you need to address or manage!

Kim Carnegey,

Real Estate Agent,

Uncontrollable Gagging:

I suffered for over 10 years of a gagging disorder brushing my teeth causing limited dental hygiene. Im happy to say after 1 meeting with James I`m cured ,.. after 1 month of no problems ,,,, I`m as happy as a clam ,,, money well spent.
Thanks James,, I don`t know how.But it works.
Thanks Again

Marc V

former gagger

Confidence for Job Interviews:

I initially thought the idea of hypnosis was dubious, but James made me a believer! I went to see him prior to an important job interview, and even well after I received an offer I am still using the techniques he taught me whenever I go into a new situation where I might be nervous. He has a soothing and professional style, and one session with him had me more relaxed than I have ever been. The best of it all, is that he is giving you the tools, but YOU are doing the work both during and after the session and YOU are achieving the goals! I am no longer a skeptic, and I would recommend him to anyone!

Teresa R

attorney, Google Local

Fear of Public Speaking:

James helped me conquering fear of speaking, I had a quick session a couple of hours before giving a lecture. I felt very confident and forgot to be scared or worried and I actually enjoyed it myself. Not that it all went perfect, I got a couple of things out of order and had to back up a little but, also I skipped some of thing that I was wanted to talk about, but I felt great while doing it. And the presentation was well received and I received complements on the talk

Carlos S,

professional magician, Google+

Stage Fright and Performance Enhancement:

I was stressing out about my senior piano recital and James recommended his Harmony Hypnosis CD. I gave it a try, and after doing the guided meditations only a couple days I sat down to play my most difficult piece and for the first time played straight through it with no mistakes and I was more focused than I had been that whole semester! I have recommended his CD to other students, and will continue to do so. He can’t learn the music for you, but he can give you the calm and confidence you need to do and be your best, even dare I say to exceed what you think is your best.

Lucinda W

music major, pianist, Google+

Stage Fright and Belly Dance;

Helped me so much with my dance stage fright… I was nearly paralyzed on stage with my troupe until my group session with Harmony Hypnotist. Now I even perform solos! Solo’s were not something I could have ever done without my private session!!! James takes the time to really listens to your need, desires and expectations of your session and he makes your VERY comfortable and understand the process before he begins.THANKS again James!

Valerie A.

belly dancer and mother, Google+

Fear of Flying:

I am blown away about how well hypnosis with James worked for me! My fear of flying can become a real problem – I had to take multiple pills to be able to fly and was still on the verge of a panic attack the entire time. After a truly horrible experience on a short and uneventful flight, I decided to look into options. Three sessions with James changed my life. I flew this weekend with no issues whatsoever, and the mediation and anti-anxiety techniques I learned through the hypnosis have also helped me feel like a calmer and happier person in general. Best time/money I have ever spent.

Anne K

attorney, Google Local

Fast Food Addiction:

I very thoroughly enjoyed the hypnosis process, found it quite relaxing and felt rejuvenated afterward. My goal was to no longer eat fast food, and I have been successful in this since my hypnosis session two weeks ago. I consider this a great improvement as I have been paid once since then, and it was typically just after I got paid that I would eat fast food for nearly every meal for a week. I use my CD of the session twice a week and only wish I could find the time to use it more often, it is such an enjoyable time. James Hazlerig is a wonderful hypnotist, and I plan to use him again in the future as I become ready to make more changes within myself.

Also, I have saved a lot of money! It’s been great. It used to be that I’d get paid and then I’d be down to almost no money within a week because I couldn’t stop eating fast food. Now, I still have plenty of money. My husband finds me amusing because the bigger part (besides me avoiding fast food) is how excited I get when I go to the grocery store or cook. I really do “enjoy going grocery shopping and cooking.”

The first time I went grocery shopping after our session, I was only getting frozen pizzas instead of fast food, but I was actually giddy throughout the store. I kept getting excited and pointing out foods and wanting to buy this item and that. I ended up buying other items that we needed for regular meals because I was having so much fun and remembered that I needed them while I was there.

I really appreciate the hypnosis and can’t wait until I’ve mastered this one to try another step

Andrea B

mother of two, former fast food addict

Lack of Motivation:

I had been in a funk–well, that was putting it midly–it was actually a profound depression, for about a month. I couldn’t be creative, I didn’t want to do anything I normally enjoyed, things I went to to were meaningless and emotionally flat. I asked for help, and it was so simple. The session was wonderful. It was relaxing and healing. I could tell I was changed after the first time I listened to it. Now I can’t believe that depression was once a part of my daily routine. I’m so much happier and grateful to get back to enjoying life. Thank you.


proof hypnosis works

Fear of Public Speaking:

Had a great, deeply meditative session. For years, I’ve been struggling with stage fright in formal situations. Board meeting presentation, no problems, felt great. Thanks!

Richard E,

former wallflower

Quitting Smoking:

I recently went to James at Harmony Hypnosis to help me with my addiction to nicotine. I was a pack a day smoker for 10 years and have tried many methods to quit ie. patches, e-cigs, nicotine gum; all without success.
I was to the point where I was willing to try anything to help. Having tried to quit unsuccessfully so many times in the past I was skeptical of the ability of Hypnosis to help me. Boy was I wrong! I have been smoke free since my first session with James! I would recommend James and his services to any one battling the addiction to nicotine, or any issue that seems to be holding them back from what they want and can achieve in life.

His prices are very reasonable compared to other Hypnotist in the Austin area.


Scott M,

former pack-a-day smoker,

Quit Smoking:

James, THANK YOU for devoting your life to empowering people through hypnosis and helping me to stop smoking cigarettes. Like most people, I came to you very determined to quit, curious about what i’d heard about the effectiveness of hypnosis, yet very skeptical due to all of the nonsense we see on TV. From our first phone call you immediately put my mind at ease, that at least you, did not view hypnosis as some magic show, but in fact that you regarded it as a very practical and powerful art and science. I was curious and comfortable enough to give it a chance.

The program you have created is nothing short of brilliant. I can’t say that I fully understand how it worked, but it worked. I tried to quit on my own for years, and no matter how determined I was at times, I never had the command over my craving for nicotine, that I do now. I felt powerless before I came to you. You explained the physiology of smoking cigarettes and took me through a series of meditation sessions, and I have not touched a cigarette since. To call that magic, or a miracle, is to miss the point that we all have the will and the power to do anything we want. The job of a hypnotist is to help us realize and harness that willpower. Again thank you for helping me realize that I had the strength to do it all along. My only regret now, is that I didn’t do it sooner.

To any of you who have been struggling to quit something or start something new, and have been feeling powerless. Go see James.

J P,

former smoker,

Personal Growth:

James Hazlerig is one of the most gifted hypnotists–and humans–I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing. He brings an artistry and artfulness to everything he does. Whether he’s helping you deal with grief, improve your public speaking skills, or let go of stage fright, James operates with true integrity, in a client-focused manner. He is calm, kind, and respectful. (He can also be goofily hilarious when a good laugh is just what you need to break out of an unproductive state.) I have known James for years as a performer, and then was lucky enough to attend hypnotherapy training with him. He brilliantly and seamlessly combines those skill sets to make himself a powerful ally in healing and personal growth. I cannot recommend him highly enough!

Kathleen H

PR Expert, Google+

Stage Fright for Belly Dancers:

While at a belly dance workshop I signed up for a group session on Dancing Like a Goddess with Harmony Hypnosis. I had no idea what to expect but went in with an open mind. I was pleasantlyl surprised at how receptive my mind was to his techniques. I had never been able to visualize my dancing and needed to break through that barrier to be a better performer. He lead the group through a process to visualize and I could see the colors and the places in my mind so very clear. Something definitely opened up and now I can visualize choreographies and know how they will look on stage and feel that I am a much better dancer now. I also went to a group session on Portion Control for healthy weight loss. I relaxed and listened to all his suggestions and they were well received by my subconscious. Without thinking about it I slowly changed my eating patterns and lost 20 lbs. without the usual struggles of trying to lose weight. At both sessions I purchased a CD so I could listen to them at home and keep the suggestions fresh in my mind. I have been very happy with the success of my hypnosis sessions with Harmony Hypnosis.



Stage Fright in the Studio:

Thank you doesn’t seem like nearly enough to express my gratitude! It’s been almost a year since you “fixed” my stage fright and fear of performing! Now a year later not only have I recorded some amazing work (my issue was fear in the recording studio), but later this month, almost exactly a year later, I’m recording my first record of 10 original songs! Not only singing in the studio, but with 5 other musicians we are recording together, while in the past I would have needed to be alone while singing.

Not to mention how my experience with you has transformed my whole life, allowing me to see myself in a new way, for the first time having the confidence to recognize my talent and not only take pride in it but I now have a burning desire to share it which has motivated me towards the journey I’m now beginning. I even reference my hypnosis in a song lyric!

Darren M.

musician, email

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